Have you ever questioned the importance of the well-known public health message 5-A-Day for our personal nutrition and health?
The majority of fruits, vegetables, salad, as well as some beans and pulses, contribute to your daily intake of 5-A-Day (400g) of these nutritious foods. While the UK recommends 5 portions per day, other countries have more ambitious targets, with the French and Canadians advised to aim for 10 portions.
The scientific research is clear and shows that eating fruit, veg, beans and pulses can significantly help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Their superpowers are due to the vast array and rich source of vitamins and minerals. Several of them act as powerful antioxidants, including selenium, vitamin A, C, and E. These antioxidants happily zip around the body neutralising free radicals. These free radicals have the potential to damage our cells and at high levels may contribute to some cancers and cardiovascular disease. The antioxidants found in fruit and veg act as free radical scavengers, sweeping them out of harm’s way. In essence, the antioxidants found in our 5-A-Day are true dietary heroes worthy of donning a cape and mask.

Not just being happy with their antioxidant superpowers, veggies and fruit are also a great source of dietary fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy, comfortable gut. Fibre increases the transit time in the gut and dilutes the contents. This means harmful chemicals spend less time in the bowel. Also, when fibre meets bacteria in the bowel, the bacteria makes a fatty acid, butyrate. Butyrate helps the bowel cells stay healthy, so a tumour is less likely to develop.
Therefore, a diet rich in fibre-packed fruit and veggies can also reduce our risk of bowel cancer, other cancers and cardiovascular disease.
Fruits and vegetables also have the added bonus of being naturally low in calories so can also help out in maintaining a healthy weight.

Being so vital to our personal nutrition and wellbeing we now know why fruit and veggies, making our 5-A-Day, may have their own comic book or action movie.
Next time we'll discover how to pack more of these colourful, delicious fruit and veggie superheroes into our diet everyday.
Nina Thomas
BSc (Hons), MSc, ANutr
Registered Associate Nutritionist & Food Scientist
Bridgford & Bingham Nutrition
21 Brickyard Lane
East Bridgford
NG13 8NJ
Call: 07958 765337